What Does a Guardianship Lawyer Do?


In normal circumstances, parents should be able to take care of their children and raise them to be responsible adults. Unfortunately, due to addiction, death, or serious injury, parents may have to give up custody of their children. These cases can often be heartbreaking, but a guardianship lawyer can make things much easier for all parties involved.

Furthermore, there are cases where adults may require guardians themselves. Similarly, guardianship lawyers can assist in these cases as well.

What Services Do Guardianship Lawyers Provide?

Guardianship lawyers provide so much for their clients. The following are some of the major services these legal professionals provide.

  • Determining and establishing that a client is incapacitated. One of the trickiest and most contentious parts of guardianship cases is establishing that a person is incapable of representing his or her own best interests. This involves a significant amount of research including interviewing necessary parties and showing that a person needs a guardian.
  • Appointing a guardian.When someone needs a guardian, it can’t just be any random person off the street. This is an important role in which the person will represent someone else’s interests for potentially the rest of their lives. Abuse is a real possibility within a guardianship. By appointing a good, competent guardian, lawyers can help to make the relationship as smooth as possible.
  • Ending a guardianship.In some cases, guardianships are able to come to an end. This may occur when someone’s status changes or when a doctor determines that an individual is no longer incapacitated. Lawyers can help to navigate this part of the process and make it as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

What is Minor Guardianship?

When a child under the age of 18 loses his or her parents, he or she must have a guardian who will help with any legal, medical, or financial decisions that may arise. Many times, these cases develop due to drug use in parents. Unfortunately, these addictions can lead parents to become neglectful, putting the child’s health and well-being at risk.

What is Adult Guardianship?

Often, adult guardianship is sought out when an older individual becomes incapable of caring for himself. This can be due to drug use, disease, or injury. These cases are tricky, as guardians must put the person’s best interest first. If it appears that the guardian is making inappropriate financial or medical decisions on their ward’s behalf, the courts need to step in and reevaluate the guardianship in question.


The decision to enter into a guardianship is not one to be taken lightly. Guardians have tons of responsibility and power over their wards. Unfortunately, many people may take advantage of this power. For this reason, guardianship lawyers have to put tons of time and effort into their jobs. They need to ensure that the interests of the ward are considered before they appoint a guardian and complete the paperwork that leads to an official guardianship agreement.

If you need assistance in entering into a guardianship, terminating a guardianship, or with anything else regarding this type of arrangement, call a lawyer tod

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