Ayurvedic Remedies For Pimples-Use Jiva Ayurveda Coupons For Discount


Acne can be extremely unreasonable and distressing. The pimples can be not only uncomfortable but also leave underdeveloped ugly scars. It is very necessary to make smart decisions, mainly when Facial skin is treated.

Jiva Ayurveda gives plentiful holistic and straightforward ways to fight different skin difficulties and keep your skin fresh. The age-old methodologies of Ayurveda go ahead established methods to find an answer to the ailment and manage it away from its origins.




Skin, according to Ayurveda, has seven layers. It is determined not merely peripherally but stretches itself to the more profound levels of the body. For this purpose, skin conditions have deep-rooted causes; therefore, its treatments also have to be penetrative. That is, most skin diseases are, rooted firmly into different dhatus or tissues like fat, muscles, blood etc.

So, here we have mentioned some of the Ayurvedic ways through which you can get rid of pimples easily. Also, you can use the Jiva Ayurveda coupon code for the discount, cashback, and more on purchase of your Ayurvedic Medicines and other products to get rid of acne.

Here we are presenting you with 10 simple, useful magnificence tips for pimples that will help you deliver bright, lovely and impressive skin.



Tulsi is supposed to divine in Ayurveda for its excellent remedial features and, is one of the most useful herbs to heal acne, pimples and scars speedily. Grind some fresh and clean tulsi sheets, take out its juice and rub it on your face. Let the face receive the juice of 15-20 minutes and rinse off.



Amla is known as a compound for your skin and eliminates excess sebum, attacks acne-causing bacteria and limits scare. Make a paste of Amla and utilise on your face. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes. You can also buy the Amla online from Jiva and use the Jiva Ayurveda Offers for discount.



Honey is an actual phenomenal component with numerous advantages, and the remedy of acne and pimples is one of them. Apply a few drops of fresh on the pimples or the scars and rinse off after 5-10 minutes. Redo daily for best outcomes.



Turmeric is an antibacterial and anti-fungal Ayurvedic treatment to inhibit bacterial breakouts and pimples. It is also anti-allergic and cleans toxins from the openings. Make a paste of turmeric particles with water and utilise on the skin. Once dry, wash off and tap dry. You can substitute water with honey for dry skin.




Neem leaves are the ideal and most common Ayurvedic remedy for healing pimples. Apply neem paste on the troubled area, leave it on until dry, wash with water and pat dry. Make neem leaf paste by steaming and grinding 10 leaves.



The acid in the lemon juice has acne-fighting characteristics and is also one of the most comfortable and affordable ways to clear your skin. Apply lemon juice straight to the pimple late. It not only preserves pimple but guards your skin too.




Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for skin. It compares the tridosha (Vata, pitta and Kapha), detoxifies the whole body, works against dangerous bacteria and benefits in your acne healing. Take 1 tsp. of Triphala with warm water on an empty belly every morning.



Lauki juice is exceedingly helpful as its high water content will keep the body fresh and skin youthful. It purifies your body system within, stops pimples and gives a soft and radiant skin. Take a lauki, peel of the outer skin, clean it thoroughly. Chop the lauki into small parts and put them into the mixy. Extract the juice, add a squeeze of salt and swallow it.



Potatoes are beneficial in healing acne, supports off bacteria and also gives a real glow to the skin. Slice thin plates from a potato and massage your surface lightly with it. Make sure to use a separate section of potato disk on diverse parts of you face to avoid increasing of bacteria.




Papaya is an accomplished Ayurvedic remedy for acne and pimples. Wash your face, pat dry and utilise papaya paste on your skin. Transmit the mask on for 20-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Redo every day.

So, these are some of the ways through which you can get rid off from the pimples very easily and comfortably. Also, below we have mentioned some of the Do’s and Dont’s with Pimples for you to be more careful with acnes.


Do’s and Don’ts with Acne



  • Unsweetened lemon or clear water, unless hot or cold, should be drunk
  • Standards should be utilised to exterminate illness.
  • Importance should be on raw foods, mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts and whole-grain cereals, particularly millet and brown rice
  • Yoga and proper private health.
  • Wash your face often (plain water splashes)
  • Steam your face at least doubly a week
  • Use a separate face cloth and softener
  • Consume a healthful, well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Notify your physician if you are using any other oral medicines like word-of-mouth preventative pills, hormones, and more.
  • Ask your doctor for any explanation concerning your medicines.



  • Do not pinch/pluck at your pimples or even touch them. They can injure
  • Do not stop your remedies abruptly without asking your doctor
  • Do not use any strong medicated soap
  • Do not use oily makeups
  • Reduce starchy, protein and fatty foods
  • Elude meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, pickles, refined and prepared foods
  • Citrus fruits, stewed or tinned fruits, bananas, dried, should not be practiced
  • Avoid soft drinks, candies, ice cream and goods made with sugar and white flour

So, this was all about Ayurveda remedies of Pimples and acne. Now you can get rid of easily with some health benefits too.


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