6 Benefits of Data Storage in a Cloud


Cloud computing has geared mankind for the future and is now the most reliable way of storing data. But before the advent of this aeon, organizations had to procure their own in-house servers for data storage.

Though this gave them control over their data, the upfront costs involved was a turn-off. Also, the amount of storage was limited. Most companies that ran out of storage had to procure additional hardware or delete older files.

Thanks to technology (and cloud computing), things are a tad bit easier. So, in this article I will discuss 6 benefits of cloud data storage, highlighting why this should be the number one item on your list.

1. Cost-effective

With cloud data storage, businesses were able to reduce their upfront expenses and convert them into operating expenses instead.

Even though there is still an enormous initial investment in the cloud infrastructure, it is entirely done and managed by the provider. The clients are only required to pay a small monthly fee.

2. Easy collaboration

You can easily collaborate for group projects if files are stored on cloud server hosting.

Since cloud storage services are internet-driven, you have the option to easily share data and team up with colleagues, regardless of where they are located.

3. Scalable

Imagine if your in-house storage servers ran out of space, you’d have to configure additional hardware. This isn’t only expensive but also time-consuming.

Depending upon the availability of hardware components, it could take you anywhere between a day to a week to configure changes on storage servers.

Cloud servers, on the other hand, expedites scaling of resources, and are thus readily scalable.

4. Synchronization with devices

You cannot synchronize devices from your local storage. First, your devices aren’t necessarily on the same network as your storage server.

Second, you would need to establish secure transfer protocols to securely transfer files from connected devices.

In short, you would need to bear too much pain for too little convenience. It is better to opt for cloud storage and get things done for you.

5. Automation

Modern businesses rely on automation as a means of cost-reduction. Without automation, the tasks are required to be done manually. This increases the workforce requirement and with it the operating expenditure.

Cloud storage solves one of the biggest issues that organizations had been facing for decades: automating backups.

With cloud storage servers IFRS 16 Software at the place, you can schedule data backups and have the cloud environment to take care of all the other things.

6. Disaster Recovery & Management

It is essential to have a backup plan in case you run into an emergency.

Disaster recovery is essential in a way that ensures that the businesses continue to operate unabated.

When the website goes down, cloud servers help to restore files with ease. The faster you restore your website to its normal, the lesser your operations will get impacted.


Cloud storage is a great platform to backup files without having to invest hugely. You can opt for a cloud-based environment rather than physical servers to maximize the performance of your backup environs, thereby achieving business goals like never before.

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